Congratulations - you are about to learn about a liqueur unlike any other in the world! Aduaba Impact Liqueur is a unique, fruity-sweet single malt liqueur based on cocoa fruit juice.
Read on to find out more about this very special premium liqueur, its history, its character - and why every drop makes a difference.
Appearance and Flavour
Aduaba Impact Liqueur is dark amber in colour and naturally cloudy. Its natural ingredients have not been filtered - this is the only way to preserve all the flavour.
Due to its naturalness, a sediment can form. Swirl the liqueur before pouring for a maximum taste experience.
A lovely sweetness of caramel, citrus, exotic fruits and cedar wood greets your senses.
Your tongue is confronted with a highly complex taste experience. Balanced aromas of lychee, pear, orange, lime, mango and forest honey dance playfully with the gentle power of a high-quality single malt. The full-bodied, lovely aroma has a particularly long finish.
The Basis - Cocoa Fruit Juice from Ghana
After the cocoa fruit juice is extracted with the mobile press, Koa transports it to the small processing plant, pasteurises and packages the fresh juice. The harvest of one cacao tree yields about 2 litres of cacao fruit juice per year.
The cacao fruit juice is sweet and sour and enormously fruity and light in taste. Its highly complex aroma lets you discover new taste components with every sip. Although the cocoa fruit juice is a product from the fruit of the cocoa tree (theobroma cacao), its taste is not at all reminiscent of cocoa or chocolate. It is surprisingly fresh and very fruity.
Koa is a Swiss-Ghanaian company with a production site in Assin Akrofuom, Ghana, and the producer and supplier of our cocoa fruit juice. With its cocoa fruit juice Koa Pure, Koa has not only enriched the taste, but also improved the living and income situation of Ghanaian smallholder farmers with its local commitment and innovative ideas. You can find more information about Impact below.
The Way to the Swiss Liqueur
The cocoa fruit juice is pressed, pasteurised and packaged in Ghana before being shipped to Switzerland. Here we receive the cocoa fruit juice.
The liqueur is created on this basis. In combination with a high-quality single malt distillate from a traditional Swiss distillery and other purely natural ingredients according to a secret recipe, the Aduaba Impact Liqueur is created from the cocoa fruit juice.
Impact Liqueur worth being called so
Aduaba Impact Liqueur was born out of a collaboration and friendship between ZAW and Koa. We were fascinated by the cocoa fruit juice from the very first moment - not only because of its unique taste qualities, but also because of Koa's philosophy and their ability to improve the economic situation of numerous small farmers in rural Ghana with this new product, thus creating a real, sustainable and stable added value for the local Ghanaian population by embedding it in the global economic cycle.
Cocoa pulp is actually a waste product. It sets the fermentation of the cocoa bean in motion, but is completely destroyed during the fermentation and subsequent drying of the beans.
Koa travels directly to the cocoa farmers with mobile, solar-powered equipment. There, part of the cocoa pulp is stripped from the beans. The cocoa farmer receives the beans back, which can be further processed into cocoa and later chocolate. In addition, however, the cocoa farmer receives payment for the stripped pulp - this increases the value added for the farmer by up to 30%.
After stripping, the fruit flesh is pressed and the cocoa fruit juice obtained is pasteurised and packaged.
The entire production - from the harvest to the ready-packed cocoa fruit juice - takes place in the local Koa factory in Ghana at fair wages and with the direct involvement of the local population. This means that almost the entire productive value creation up to the cocoa fruit juice takes place in Ghana.
Welcome to the world of enjoyment of Aduaba Impact Liqueur. We wish you much pleasure and joy - and are always happy to answer any further questions you may have.
Point of Sales
Have a look at the various places where you can buy your Aduaba:
Zur alten Weinhandlung Hofer
Dorfstrasse 19
3555 TrubschachenOpening times here
And anytime in the Onlineshop
Chocolat Atelier
Raffort 1
3286 Muntelier
The Chocolat Atelier produces pralinés with Aduaba. more here:
Content etc. with kind support from Koa Switzerland AG, Zürich.